Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Poem in Farewell mail

A poem that i wrote to be put in my farewell mail..

A soft word spoken, a secret sign given,
Laughter’s shared, sorrows barred,
Good times we had, fun was all that we cared,
Presence of self, not to be forever,but thoughts of times together fades never,
With a heavy heart i bid adieu, to start on a path which is new
Thoughts and wishes to all, for all sands of time,
till the next time we say hi !

Send in u;r comments


G U R U said...

Dude, you never got so senti when you left Kalalaya !!!

Guess you wanted to be freed from Lalitha Jayaram (twee twee twee)

LOL !! :-D

Anonymous said...

hey...this poem...one more feather in your hat!

Anonymous said...

hey...this poem...one more feather in your hat!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vivek
A very touching poem indeed. Though I wish you would stick around with us for more time, I guess this is the best move at the right time for your career growth. I knew you for a very short while, and yet have a lasting impact...And thanks a lot sunny boy, for being there in the most dire situation...