Prologue"The Manusmriti (Sanskrit मनुस्मृति), translated "Laws of Manu" or "Institutions of Manu", is regarded as a foundational work of Hindu law and ancient Indian society, compiled and written quite late, c.200 CE in India. It is one of the eighteen Smritis of the Dharma Sastra (or "laws of righteous conduct"); Smriti means "what is remembered" and is applied in general to a Hindu text other than the Vedas, including traditional Indian epics, the Puranas, and science and grammar treatises. Unlike the Vedas which are considered to be eternal or of divine origin, the Smritis are considered to be of human origin and therefore susceptible to the flaws of humans. They contain laws, rules and codes of conduct to be applied by individuals, communities and nations."Source : was a Friday nite, and I was keeping guard in the hospital where my grand mother was admitted. During that period, I was going through a book on Indian Hindu Laws – “The Laws of Manu”, which gives rules to be followed in life. Though some of the concepts given here might not be apt today, many of them are. There was an interesting section (given below) that had gotten me in to thinking. It stated:
“64. Eighteen nimeshas (twinklings of the eye, are one kashtha), thirty kashthas one kala, thirty kalas one muhurta, and as many (muhurtas) one day and night.
65. The sun divides days and nights, both human and divine, the night (being intended) for the repose of created beings and the day for exertion.
66. A month is a day and a night of the manes, but the division is according to fortnights. The dark (fortnight) is their day for active exertion, the bright (fortnight) their night for sleep.
67. A year is a day and a night of the gods; their division is (as follows): the half year during which the sun progresses to the north will be the day, that during which it goes southwards the night."
This, to me, gives an insight to the Theory of Relativity
( and more specifically a concept called time dilation , which proves the above.
One fact which can be derived from The Theory is that time is not absolute. In fact, time as one person “sees” will be different than the time as another person “sees” it.
This is what the laws of Manu also postulates. That time for a man is not the same as time for gods. Many will find the concept of time gods difficult to accept, but I feel that god (and other beings) referred here are some beings in some other dimensions. Probably science will “discover” these one day, just as theory of relativity proves the laws of different time.
So it is safe to say that Vedas did have a lot of science behind them; just that we are slow in understanding them.
Comments on this are most welcome.